Our Partner Schools
Following an initial application and subsequently an interview during the Autumn Term 2023, seven schools in Birmingham, Stoke and Staffordshire have been successful in becoming partner schools of the hub.
![Thumbnail [100%x225]](https://ttlh.org.uk/files/2024/01/BishopWalsh@1x.jpg)
Bishop Walsh School
Bishop Walsh
KS3 Provision
In Years 7-9 all students study Spanish for two hours per week.
In years 7 and 8 we largely follow Conti’s MARS-EARS approach. We use booklets which contain carefully-sequenced Sentence Builders to interleave structures, communicative functions and grammar. Over a sequence of lessons pupils move from receptive practice to structured production. Subsequently we remove the scaffolds of the sentence builders to enable pupils to aim for fluency. With the ‘less is more’ approach, we ensure that pupils will remember more over time. Phonics are taught systematically throughout this key stage. Metacognitive approaches are employed to enable pupils to have a good awareness of what works for them as linguists.
In Year 9 pupils revisit the skills and knowledge developed in year 7 and 8 but with a much stronger emphasis on explicit grammar instruction. Pupils will learn to use a full range of tenses and employ them in written and spoken work. Towards the end of year 9 we cover a ‘bridging curriculum’ which prepares them for the demands of GCSE.
Cultural capital is also important and so a range of cultural projects are embedded into the curriculum. We run a trip in KS4 and are preparing to offer a trip in KS3 from next academic year.
KS4 Provision:
From September 2024, languages will be a fixed option choice for most pupils at our school. The current year 9 have made a choice between Spanish, French or Polish at GCSE. KS4 pupils study their language for 5 hours per fortnight and we follow the AQA specification.
Home Languages:
In addition to Polish, we also support students to gain a GCSE in their home language. In the past we have supported pupils with Russian, Greek, Chinese, Italian and Portuguese.
Departmental Highlights
Our department is already benefitting enormously from the input from the TTLH. Throughout both key stages, we are planning to raise intrinsic motivation and the spontaneous use of target language through the inclusion of initiatives such as Group Talk. The appointment of our first Lead Practitioner in MFL will also enable us to raise attainment in MFL and further promote the enjoyment of languages amongst our pupils.
Claire Bowker, Head of MFL.
![Thumbnail [100%x225]](https://ttlh.org.uk/files/2024/01/Griffin-Logo.jpg)
Cardinal Griffin
Cardinal Griffin Catholic College
KS3 Provision
In Years 7-9 all students study French for two hours per week.
In years 7 and 8 we largely follow NCELP’s approach, where students gradually but explicitly build up their knowledge of grammar basics, phonics and vocabulary. Intrinsic motivation is carefully considered at this crucial time in the language learning journey for our students; we want our students to know that they can understand, retain and recall what they are learning. Appropriate cognitive load, regular retrieval and low stakes testing is a feature of every lesson we teach to ensure that our students succeed, and develop a sense of self-belief in their ability to learn the new language. Over time in KS3, students learn how to tackle longer, culturally-relevant texts and audio.
In Year 9 pupils continue to build on the skills and knowledge developed in year 7 and 8 but they begin to see tasks that are typical of the GCSE exam papers, in order to begin to prepare them to meet the demands of the qualification.
Cultural capital is woven into our curriculum in Yr 7-9. Additionally, students have the opportunity to attend a short 3-day, 2-night residential in year 8, and a longer 5-day, 4-night residential in Year 9.
KS4 Provision:
All students at Cardinal Griffin Catholic College study French at GCSE. KS4 pupils study French for 4 hours per fortnight and we follow the AQA specification.
Home Languages:
The French department also supports students who wish to achieve GCSE in their home language. In recent years, we have supported pupils with Polish, Russian, Italian and Portuguese GCSE qualifications.
Departmental Highlights:
Our department has risen to the challenge of increasing our GCSE French uptake considerably as we have moved as a college from optional MFL at GCSE, to compulsory. We pride ourselves in fostering solid relationships with our students and building their confidence with quality-first teaching and engaging schemes of learning. Our students are intrinsically motivated by the sense of self that they feel when they succeed. The support from the Trent and Tame Language Hub has, and continues to, shape our journey towards better outcomes for all of our students.
Lisa Wynne-Jones, Head of French.
![Thumbnail [100%x225]](https://ttlh.org.uk/files/2024/01/Discovery@1x.jpg)
The Discovery Academy
The Discovery Academy
KS3 Provision
Students study French at the Discovery Academy. The Year 7 curriculum introduces students to the important transferrable skills of learning a language and also highlights the long term benefits of additional language acquisition, including their upskilling in English and the potential to use language in their future lives.
The start of their language learning journey at Discovery builds upon the foundations introduced in KS2. Students are taught through a variety of approaches and there is a focus on the practice of the spoken word through explicit teaching of French phonics. They are challenged to build the written language through a programme of sentence building tasks and homework. The topics covered to practise these skills are; descriptions of themselves, their families, pets, the environment in which they live and school subjects.
In Year 8 the curriculum builds on the skills developed in KS2 and Year 7 and applies them to a range of cross-curricular themes, wherever possible exploiting an aspect of French speaking culture. A stronger emphasis on grammar and syntax is introduced and students learn to write and converse in 3 tenses, on which they can build later.
Our curriculum is carefully sequenced via an evidence informed and research-based curriculum using Conti’s MARS EARS approach to make sure that over a sequence of lessons, tasks build from modelling, receptive practice and structured production. Over time the sentence builder approach to scaffolding is gradually reduced allowing students to build independence and develop strong recall and retrieval.
In Year 9 the curriculum continues to build on the skills developed and knowledge acquired in the KS3 years and revisits some topics in greater detail whilst also introducing new topic and linguistic concepts to ensure students have a good understanding of key vocabulary. Students can opt to study GCSE French in KS4.
KS4 Provision
Students pick their options at the end of year 9. Students who continue with French have five hours of lessons a fortnight, following the AQA specification. The MFL department at the Discovery Academy plan to use the AQA specification from September 2024 to teach the reformed GCSE.
Highlights of our provision
The core purpose of our study of Modern Foreign Languages at The Discovery Academy is to develop pupils who are able to communicate and compete with people in an increasingly globalised workplace and society. It is also our intention to instil pupils with an understanding of different cultures which will open minds. By making languages accessible and engaging we hope that more pupils opt to study languages beyond the compulsory years.
We provide opportunities for pupils to develop their Social, Moral, Spiritual, Cultural and Physical development through a varied and engaging curriculum and by giving them the opportunity to communicate and make contact with children from other parts of the world through pen-pal schemes and residential trips abroad. We also provide pupils with the opportunity to see how languages are used and how they are useful in the world of work in a variety of ways. One example of this is by asking professionals from institutions such as Michelin to come in and talk to our pupils about the importance of languages.
Mrs H Brugger-Goring Head of MFL. The Discovery Academy
Excel Academy
KS3 Provision
Students study either French or Spanish in Year 7 upon entry into the Academy. In Year 7 the curriculum builds upon the foundations of language learning introduced in KS2 and introduces metacognitive approaches so that students begin to understand how they learn languages and the value and benefit of language learning. They are challenged through a series of lesson-based tasks and home works to communicate orally and in written form about themselves and their families, pets, the environment in which they live and school life. Students continue to study either French or Spanish in Year 8.
In Year 8 the curriculum builds on the skills developed in KS2 and Year 7 and applies them to a range of cross-curricular themes, wherever possible exploiting an aspect of French/Spanish speaking culture. A stronger emphasis on grammar and syntax is introduced and students learn to write and converse in 3 tenses, on which they can build later.
Our curriculum is carefully sequenced via an evidence informed and research-based curriculum using Conti’s MARS EARS approach to make sure that over a sequence of lessons, tasks build from modelling, receptive practice and structured production. Over time the sentence builder approach to scaffolding is gradually reduced allowing students to build independence and develop strong recall and retrieval.
In Year 9 the curriculum continues to build on the skills developed and knowledge acquired in the KS3 years and revisits some topics in greater detail whilst also introducing new topic and linguistic concepts. Students can opt to study either GCSE French or Spanish in Years 9 – 11. The focus is on GCSE Theme 1 – Identity and Culture and further develops the idea of retrieval practice, interweaving of topics, metacognition and recall approaches so that learners understand how building on and embedding prior knowledge is key to success.
KS4 Provision
Students pick their options at the end of year 9. Students who choose to continue with French or Spanish have five hours of lessons a fortnight, following the AQA specification. The MFL department at Excel Academy plan to use the AQA specification from September 2024 to teach the reformed GCSE.
Highlights of our provision
The Languages department at Excel Academy endeavours towards our motto of ‘expecting excellence’. We believe that a ‘world-class’ curriculum facilitates personal development and equips students with the knowledge and skills needed for the demands of local, national and international society. We intend to promote interest and dispel the myth that language study is not important. We provide a curriculum for our students that allows them to attain high quality qualifications routed in a deep foundation of transferrable knowledge acquired from a range of subject areas from a broad and balanced curriculum.
Mrs L Soboljew, Assistant Principal, Head of MFL. Excel Academy
Erdington Academy
KS3 Provision:
In Years 7-9 all students study French for two hours per week. The curriculum uses the Dynamo textbooks as a foundation and the students follow a learning journey that allows them to express themselves about topics including family and friends, hobbies, sports, music, technology, food and the environment.
The key vocabulary, phonics and grammar linked to these topics are carefully sequenced students revisit these core aspects as they make their way through the learning journey to build confidence and fluency with the language.
At Erdington Academy we are very proud of the cultural links we make within our learning and when looking at all topics we make connections to French speaking countries all over the world. Examples of this include looking at a Martinique carnival when discussing celebrations or listening to rai and zouglou when pupils are discussing their musical preferences.
KS4 Provision:
At the end of Year 9, students complete the option process and can choose French. GCSE teaching begins in Year 10 with all pupils having 3 hours a week following the new AQA specification.
Home Languages:
Erdington Academy is very proud to support learners to gain an extra qualification in their home, heritage or community language.
In the 22-2023 academic year, students successfully completed GCSEs in Arabic, Urdu, Punjabi, Spanish & Italian.
In the 23-24 academic year students will also take exams in Polish, Portuguese and Greek alongside the language offered in the previous academic year.
Jay Patel. Head of Languages. Erdington Academy
King Edward VI School, Lichfield
Curriculum Intent
We truly believe that language learning is a “liberation from insularity in today’s global society”. All pupils in years 7 and 8 learn French and German and have the opportunity to continue both up to A-level. Through the study of one romance and one Germanic language, they gain an understanding of the similarities and differences between not only the languages themselves, but also the cultures of the countries in which they are spoken.
Pupils learn to communicate with increased spontaneity, independence and accuracy throughout their language learning journey with us and we also aspire to provide an excellent basis for future language study, whichever language that may be.
Implementation, literacy and independence
We feel it is important that our pupils value any prior knowledge and skills from their life experiences as well as from any formal learning and we highlight these from our very first transition lessons. We teach pupils the skills they need to acquire new Vocabulary, Grammar and Phonics so that they become increasingly independent as they move from novice towards expert linguists. Literacy is integral to everything that we do and we are explicit in teaching the skills required for each of the four key modalities of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Pupils are encouraged to use the wealth of authentic French and German resources that may be of particular interest to them.
We provide all pupils with bespoke “Passbooks” in which the curriculum is broken down into manageable chunks of learning. They also enable pupils to see their progression throughout each unit, year and key stage. In lessons we model differentiated exemplar work, provide scaffolds to support independent practice and encourage pupils to share identify and share their mistakes. Regular retrieval practice is essential for successful language learning and our spiral curriculum ensures that current and previous learning is regularly revisited and tested. Our curriculum is ambitious and in order to develop confidence in our learners, the homework we set helps to embed learning in the long-term memory. We encourage the ‘little and often’ approach and pupils can use online courses and apps outside of the classroom.
Highlight of our provision
“We are extremely proud that 70% of our cohort at KES Lichfield study either French, German or both at GCSE, especially considering the current national context regarding foreign language study in the UK. This puts our pupils in a privileged position when applying for jobs having studied two of the languages most in demand by UK employers. We are also delighted to be able offer MFL at A-level.”
Shirley Dunn. Head of Languages. King Edward VI School, Lichfield.
Hamstead Hall Academy
KS3 Provision:
In KS3, students study French or Spanish and have 5 hours a fortnight of lessons in sets 2 to 4 and 3 hours a fortnight of lessons in Set 1 as they also study Latin. In years 7, 8 and 9 students follow a bespoke languages curriculum. Exploring a range of topics, they are taught key recyclable structures building tense fluency in the past, the present and the future.
- Introductions
- Family descriptions
- Likes and dislikes
- Films and music
- Free time activities
- Sports and games
- Clothes
- Food and drinks
- Town
- School
- Holidays
- Technology
- Environment
- Health
- Family
KS4 Provision:
Students pick their options at the end of year 9. Students who choose to continue with French, Spanish, or Latin have five hours of lessons a fortnight, following the Eduqas specification. We also offer Punjabi classes after school with the option of sitting the GCSE examination. The team at Hamstead Hall Academy plan to use the Eduqas or AQA specification from September 2024 to teach the reformed GCSE.
KS5 Provision:
Hamstead Hall Academy currently does not have any French or Spanish classes in KS5, although French has been taught in the past. The team hope to do so again in the future. Students have 8 hours a fortnight of lessons.
Highlights of our provision
“The Languages department at Hamstead Hall Academy is delighted to offer a variety of languages that offer our students a wide range of opportunities. We pride ourselves on our above national average number of students entered for the Ebacc (53%). We also offer access to GCSE examinations in community languages that go beyond our initial offer. Our vision is based on the underlying principle that every child has the right to learn a language as it will offer them access to the best life chances possible.”
Leila Dupon. Head of Languages. Hamstead Hall Academy.
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